
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hadith about Belife 06

The Prophet said, "whoever possesses the following three qualities will have the sweetness (delight) of faith :

1. The one to whom Allah and His Apostle becomes dearer than anything else.

2. Who loves a person and he loves him only for Allah's sake.

3. Who hates to revert to Atheism (disbelief) as he hates to be thrown into fire." (Bukhari)

Hadith About BELIEF 05

A man asked the Prophet, "What sort of deeds or (what qualities of) Islam are good ?" The Prophet replied, "To feed (the poor) and greet those whom you do not Know."(Bukhari)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Hadith About Belief 04

Some people asked Allah's Apostle, "Whose Islam is the best ? i.e. (Who is a very good Muslim)?" He replied, "One who avoids harming the Muslims with his tongue and hands." (Bukhari)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hadith about BELIEF 03

The Prophet said, "A Muslim is the one who avoids harming Muslims with his tongue and hands. And a Muhajir (emigrant) is the one who gives up (abandons) all what Allah has forbidden." (Bukhari)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Hadith about BELIEF 02

The Prophet said, "Faith (Belief) consists of more than sixty branches (i.e. parts). And Haya (This term "Haya" covers a large number of concepts which are to be taken together; amongst them are self respect, modesty, bashfulness and scruple, etc.) is a part of faith."(Bukhari)

Hadith About BELIEF

Allah's Apostle said: Islam is based on (the following) five (principles):

1.To testify that none has the right to be worshiped but Allah and Muhammad is Allah's Apostle.
2. To offer the (compulsory congregational) prayers dutifully and perfectly.
3. To pay Zakat (i.e. obligatory charity).
4. To perform Hajj (i.e. Pilgrimage to Macca).
5. To observe fast during the month of Ramadan. (Bukhari)

Friday, April 20, 2012

Hadith About REVELATION 05

Allah's Apostle was the most generous of all the people, and he used to reach the peak in generosity in the month of Ramadan when Gabriel met him. Gabriel used to meet him every night of Ramadan to teach him Quran. Allah's Apostle was the most generous person, even more generous than the strong uncontrollable wind (in readiness and haste to do charitable deeds). (Bukhari)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Hadith about REVELATION 02

(The mother of the faithful believers) Al-Harith Bin Hisham asked Allah's Apostle "O Allah's Apostle! How is the Divine Inspiration revealed to you ?" Allah's Apostle replied, "Sometimes it is (revealed) like the ringing of a bell, this form of Inspiration is the hardest of all and then this state passes off after I have grasped what is inspired. Sometimes the Angel comes in the form of a man and talks to me I grasp whatever he says." 'Aisha added : Verily I saw the Prophet (SAW) being inspired Divinely on a very cold day and noticed the Sweat dropping from his forehead (as the Inspiration was over). (Bukhari)

Hadith About REVELATION 01

I heard Allah's Apostle saying,  "The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. So whoever emigrated for worldly benefits or for woman to marry, his emigration was for what he emigrated for." (Bukhari)

Monday, April 16, 2012



Bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim
Al hamdu lillahi rabbil alamin
Ar rahmanir rahim
Maliki yawmid-din
Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'in
Ihdinas siratal al-mustaqim
Siratal ladina an'amta 'alayhim gayril magdubi 'alayhim walad dallin


In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds.
The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
The Lord of the Day of Judgement.
Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone we seek for help.
Guide us to the Right Path.
The path of those upon whom Thou has bestowed favors, Not of those who thou has cursed once nor of those who have gone astray.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Hadith About DEATH 03

A funeral procession passed in front of the Prophet (SAW) and the people praised the deceased. The Prophet (SAW) said, "It has been affirmed (Paradise)." Then another funeral procession passed by and the people talked badly of the deceased. The Prophet (SAW) said, "It has been affirmed (Hell)." Allah's Apostle was asked, "O Allah's Apostle ! You said it has been affirmed for both ?" The Prophet (SAW) said, "The testimony of people (is accepted), (for) the believers are Allah's witnesses on the earth." (Sahih-Bukhari 3:810)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hadith About DEATH 02

The Prophet (SAW) said, "When a human being is laid in his grave and his companions return and he even hears their foot steps, two angels come to him and make him sit and ask him: 'What did you use to say about this man, Muhammad ?' He (SAW) will say: 'I testify that he is Allah's slave and His Apostle.' Then it will be said to him, 'Look at your place in the Hell-Fire. Allah has given you a place in Paradise instead of it."
The Prophet (SAW) added, "The dead person will see both his places. But a non-believer or a hypocrite will say to the angels, 'I do not know, but I used to say what the people used to say! It will be said to him, 'Neither did you know nor did you take the guidance (by reciting the Quran). 'Then he will be hit with an iron hammer between his two ears, and he will cry and that cry will be heard by whatever approaches him except human beings and jinns." (Sahih Bukhari 2:422)

Monday, April 9, 2012

LOVE in Hadith 10

When a man asked the Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, "O Messenger of Allah, when will the Day of Judgment be ?" The Prophet (SAW) replied, "What have you prepared for it ?" He said, "I have not prepared for it a great deal of prayer, fasting nor charity secretly so that his left hand does not know intensely." The Prophet (SAW) said, "You will be with those whom you love."(Al-Bukhari)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

LOVE in Hadith 09

There are seven whom Allah will shade with His shade on the Day when there is no shade except His; a just ruler, a youth who grew up in the worship of His Lord, a man whose heart is attached to mosques, two men who love each other only for Allah's sake, meeting and parting for that love, a man who resists the call of a woman of noble birth and beauty to commit fornication, but he refuses and says "To fear Allah", a man who gives charity secretly so that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given and a man whose eyes flood with tears whenever he remembers Allah in private. (Al-Bukhari)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

LOVE in Hadith 08

There are three characteristics whoever has them will taste the sweetness of faith: that Allah and His Messenger (saw) are more loved by him than everything else, that he loves or does not love a person only for Allah's sake and that he would hate to revert into disbelief just as he would hate to be thrown into fire."(Al-Bukhari)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Importance Of JUMMAH Prayer


A person who goes to attend Friday prayer can pray as many nafls as he wishes after the sun has declined from its zenith to when the Imam comes to give Khutbah. Any how he is expected to pray at least 2 rakats sunnat.


Once the Khutbah starts, the whole congregation should listen to it in silence. If a person arrives while the Imam is giving Khutbah then this person should pray 2 rakats nafl before sitting down to listen to Khutbah.

Jabir (ra) said that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said while he was giving Khutbah:

"If anyone of you goes to attend the Friday Prayer while the Imam is delivering Khutbah he should pray 2 rakats and should not make them long."(Muslim)

There is another hadith Jabir (ra) says that once a man, came to Friday Prayer while the Messenger of Allah (saw) was delivering Khutbah, so Allah's Messenger (saw) asked him, "Did you pray ?" "No", he answered. Then the Prophet (saw) said to him, "Stand up and Pray>"(Bukhari, Muslim)

It is a continuous practice in some mosques that those who arrive while Imam is giving speech sit down and listen to the speech. When the Imam has finished the speech he gives time to the late arrivals to Pray 2 or 4 rakats sunnat. After that the Imam gives a short Khutbah in Arabic before praying the JUMAH Prayer.

Some people get very annoyed if they see a person offer 2 rakats sunnat, while the Imam is giving speech. They feel that the person is being disrespectful to the Imam. This is incorrect and unproved from the practice of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). It is also against those hadiths which we mentioned above and the one we are mentioning below.
Abl Qatadah (ra) says that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "Whenever one of you enters the mosque he should not sit down without offering 2 rakats."(Bukhari, Muslim)

These hadiths clarify the points which are erroneously practiced above.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Verses about PEACE 04

"Again and again will those who disbelieve, wish that they had bowed (to God's will) in Islam. Leave them alone, to enjoy (the good things of this life) and to please themselves: let (false) hope amuse them: soon will knowledge (undeceive them)." (The Holy Quran 15:2-3)

"Say, 'The truth is from your Lord': Let him who will believe, and let him who will, reject (it):........"(The Holy Quran 18:29)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Verse About PEACE

"And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for God. But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrongdoers. (The Holy Quran 2:193)"

"Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy handhold, that never breaks. And Allah hearth and knoweth all things." (The Holy Quran 15:2-3)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Verses About Peace 03

"God does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of your homes. God loves just dealers. (The Noble Quran 60:8)"

Monday, April 2, 2012

Love in Hadith 07

There are three characteristics whoever has them will taste the sweetness of faith : that Allah and His Messenger (SAW) are more loved by him than everything else, that he loves or does not love a person only for Allah's sake and that he would hate to revert into disbelief just as he would hate to be thrown into fire." (Al--Bukhari)